Thursday, October 26, 2017

October Notes

This is the season for Penance/Reconciliation preparation.   
Below are three presentations for sacrament/mystery preparation that can be used in your parishes. At the same time, we struggle with the events across the world with episodes of violence and how our children react with faith and hope.  I am attaching a PowerPoint presentation that can be used and adapted for older children and adults. 




We are experimenting with the YDisciple part of FORMED ( with our high school group.  We started with the "Follow Me" segments and they really responded to the third segment on friendship.  I will try to keep you posted.  If anyone else is using the program, please respond to me by email.  The biggest drawback that I can see is that you must have adequate Internet access in your facilities to use the program. 
For a wonderful outline of the FORMED program, please read this article from Saint Louis Gonzaga Church:

Here is October's "Going Deeper In Our Spirituality" article:

God is Realistic
By Dr. Anne Borik

As we continue to explore the book authored by Fr. Jacques Philippe entitled Interior Freedom, I would like to suggest a simple ABC approach that will help us understand more fully this concept of Interior Freedom.

A: Accepting Ourselves
What often blocks the action of God's grace in our lives is our failure to accept our own weaknesses. We must accept ourselves just as we are, if the Holy Spirit is to change or transform us. According to Fr. Philippe, accepting ourselves is one way to "set grace free" in our lives, thus paving the way for deep transformation leading to interior freedom.

B: Be available to God
One of the most important things in our lives is not so much what we can do as leaving room for what God can do. Jesus said, "Apart from me, you can do nothing." We must have the humility to recognize that we cannot change by our own efforts, it is a gift of God's grace. Interior freedom results when we accept this gift and let God act by being available to Him.

C: Consent to what we are
According to Fr. Philippe, "People who hate themselves cut themselves off from God." This attitude or behavior is offensive to our Father. It is important to accept ourselves or consent to what we are with all our deficiencies and limitations in order for God to change and transform us. Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. In other words, happy or free are those that consent to the fact that they are nothing without God.

In conclusion, Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest." There is no better form of "relaxation" or interior freedom than to rest in the tenderness of a Father who accepts us as we are, who wants to be available to us if we allow Him and who loves us unconditionally if we give Him our consent.

Sister Theresa Maria, MSCL, recommends this link to other spiritual resources and articles which you might like to explore: