Friday, October 11, 2024

Jubilee of Hope


Jubilee Year 2025

Prepare for the Jubilee - Read More

From the Letter of Bishop Gregory:

I have decided to embrace the Jubilee Year with the following Eparchialrequests of clergy, religious and laity:

Read More

Up-dated and Stream-line Requirements for Catechist Certification

Franciscan At Home Catechist Training

This on-line Eparchial Certification of Catechists is an easy way to conveniently sharpen your faith knowledge, catechetical teaching skills, and it's free! 

We are now in the fourth year of utilizing this excellent program from Franciscan University, and with Bishop Gregory's permission, we are simplifying the requirements:

You may now receive Level One Certification as a catechist after viewing the 12 required one-hour workshops and only answering the last question. Please see our up-dated and stream-lined requirements here -LINK-

You are encouraged to give this formation program a try. Reach out to Mother Marla Marie if you need assistance.

Friday, September 27, 2024

Maronite Music Jeopardy

Maronite Music Jeopardy Game

Created by one of our catechists' from the parish in Boston. This fun tool will help your class to learn words of the parts of the sung Liturgy and prayers.

click here - Jeopardy

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Catechetical Sunday Materials - September 15th

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Ministry:


I hope you are having a very good summer. 


Please find attached the 2024 Catechetical Sunday packet. It is sent to you electronically, as has been the norm for the last few years. This should allow you to prepare for Catechetical Sunday which falls on September 15, this year.  Print a copy for your parish file.  Also print another copy and pass it to your Religious Education Coordinator in order to start preparing for this worthy celebration.  


Please check the last paragraph in the Table of Content page. You might find it helpful also if you frequent the 2024 Catechetical Sunday website of the USCCB. 


Should you need any assistance regarding the 2024 Catechetical Sunday Celebration or should you have any question regarding the use of the packet please do not hesitate to contact me,


Sincerely yours,


Msgr. Georges El-Khalli, Ph.D., Pastor

Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church

Here is the link to the USCCB resource page for Catechetical Sunday.  

Here is a link to our Eparchy Catechetical Sunday Certificate to be presented to the parish catechists, preferably at the Divine Liturgy on September 15th or the day your pastor chooses.  

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Introduction to Syriac Spirituality Zoom Sessions

 Introduction to Syriac Spirituality Seely Beggiani – ܡܰܪܓܳܢܺܝܬܳܐ ܓܢܺܝܙܬܳܐ

with Chorbishop Seely Beggiani 
Zoom Series Hosted by the St. Sharbel Spiritual Life Center

April 18: The Syriac World View
April 25: The Early Period (The Demonstrations of Aphraat and the Book of Steps)
May 2: The Foundations of Spirituality (Faith, Baptism, The Holy Spirit, Eucharist)
May 9: The Foundations of Spirituality Cont (Penitence, Humility, Hope, Charity, Mercy)
May 16: Stages of the Spiritual Life: The Corporeal Stage (Faith and "Fear of God", Observing the Commandments, Asceticism, Passionlessness)
May 23: Stages of the Spiritual Life Cont: Eight Major Temptations, Abstinence, Vigil, Almsgiving, Discernment
May 30: The Stage of the Soul (Private Prayer, Luminosity, Purity of Heart, Simplicity, Stillness and Solitude)
June 6: The Stage of the Soul Cont: (Contemplation, The Divine Presence in Creation, Divine Providence, Sacred Scriptures)
June 13: The Stage of the Spirit (Silent Prayer, The Spiritual Senses, Unknowing, Spiritual Wisdom, Ecstatic events)
June 20: Summaries and Conclusions

Friday, March 22, 2024

A New Maronite Saint

Good news to share with your catechists and children.

Patriarch Estephan El Douaihy, a pillar of the Maronite Church, will soon be beatified, joining the long list of holy Maronite saints.

Friday, March 15, 2024