Thursday, May 11, 2017

May Reminders!

  • Remember that your NAM Vocations contest entrees need to be sent right away!
  • Also remind your seniors and college students that they have an opportunity for NAM Scholarships, but the deadline is rapidly approaching:  NAM Scholarships.
  • Make arrangements to go to the NAM Convention in Greenville, SC!  There are so many great workshops for religious educators.   See this link from the NAM chair people:  NAM Convention Letter

As we complete our religious education for this year, we need to evaluate our programs and our own lives as models of faith for the students we teach.
  1. Have we used the Faith of the Mountain series fully in our classrooms?  How can we use the Activity Books to the best advantage next year?
  2. Have we been present to all of our children, especially those who have a variety of special needs?
  3. Have we encouraged the parents to attend Divine Liturgy together, pray as a family, and read the Bible together?
  4. Have we encouraged them to be involved in the parish community?
  5. Have we involved the parents in faith discussions or adult education or retreats? 

Think about your own parents and grandparents?   What kind of impact did they have on you?   What did they do to inspire and pass on faith in Jesus to you?   Did they make Sunday liturgy a priority?   Did they pray the rosary or read the Bible or pray together as a family?  Did they pass on their devotion to the Eucharist?  Fr. Patrick Peyton, C.S.C. frequently said, “A family that prays together stays together.”

Jared Dees in his article, “How Parents Pass On The Faith,” writes about how parents and their prayer lives have the most impact on children today.  He said,”Parents offer a great example in the way to live their faith by the way they serve the Church. They willingly serve by giving of their time, talent, and treasure.
  • They spend their time at parish events. 
  • They share their talents for teaching, hosting, cooking, serving, etc. by volunteering in ministries at the parish.
  • They place an envelope in the collection basket each weekend and offer financial support for faith-based organizations that serve those in need.”

Parents and students need to see their teachers doing the same.  But the most important thing teachers can do today to invite the parents to liturgy, to religious education, to adult education, to retreats, to church activities.  By extending the invitation, you are being a disciple of Christ.