Websites with Social Justice Resources
Here are some websites from that have resources for teaching about social justice. Some focus on current events issues and may need to be thoroughly reviewed with your priest to make sure they align with Catholic social teachings!
CST Learning Center (USCCB)
Poverty USA (USCCB)
Faithful Citizenship (USCCB)
CRS Resource Center (Catholic Relief Services)
Education for Justice (Center of Concern)
Social Justice Resources (Catholic Charities of St. Paul and Minneapolis)
Teaching Tolerance (
Collections of Catholic Social Teaching Activities
Catholic Social Teaching Lessons and Activities (Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers)
Catholic Social Teaching Resources (Catholic Religion Teacher)
10 Social Justice Activities to Try in Class (Education World)
A Collection of Resources for Teaching Justice (Cult of Pedagogy)
Social Justice Resources (Ave Maria Press)
Social Justice Resources (Saint Mary’s Press)
Catholic Social Teaching Resources (Loyola Press)
Catholic Social Teaching Worksheets
The Catholic Social Teaching Activity Pack (The Religion Teacher)
Catholic Social Teaching Crossword Puzzle and Word Search (The Religion Teacher)
Working for Justice Crossword (Saint Mary’s Press)
Catholic Social Teaching Games, Crafts, and Other Activities
Catholic Social Teaching Monopoly (Ave Maria Press)
Catholic Social Teaching Tree (Beth Anne’s Best)
Using Editorial Cartoons to Teach Social Justice (Teaching Tolerance)