Certification for Catechists
The Eparchy has launched an initiative for our catechists and MYO youth advisors, called Franciscan at Home. Franciscan at Home is an excellent opportunity to continue to train and deepen our spiritual journey. This is an optional, but highly recommended, program to strengthen our competent and faithful laity to better carry out their roles in our parishes.
This is a free online program of workshop tracks through the Catechetical Institute of Franciscan University, open to all of our parish volunteers. There are over 100 dioceses already partnering with Franciscan University and benefiting from the high-quality content offered.
Catechists in our parish religious programs and our MYO youth advisors are invited to participate in these 12 one-hour workshops expertly filmed with a staff of professionals in the fields of catechesis and youth ministry. Also, two of these workshops will focus on our Maronite Tradition (see below). The content is presented to inspire, educate, train, and enhance one’s knowledge and skills in presenting the Catholic faith.
These workshops are available in the convenience of one’s own home according to one’s schedule and require some reading and writing. The Maronite Servants of Christ the Light are helping the Eparchy with this program and they are available by phone or email to answer your questions.
NEW... On-Going Faith Formation track is open to all parishioners in our Eparchy to enrich their knowledge of the faith and spirituality (not for certification). Some workshops in this track: Personal Spirituality and the Call to Holiness; The Father: Origin and Desire of All; Ten Commandments & Beatitudes; Praying with Scripture: Lectio Divina
Maronite Formation Workshops Level I
For those taking these workshops for certification, the reflection questions are below. Please copy and paste into a Word document and email your responses to: maronitereligioused@gmail.com
Workshop 1 by Monsignor Seely Beggiani
The Divine Liturgy -- Parts 1 & 2
Reflection Questions:
1. What stood out to you in these two talks?
2. Select a part from the Introductory Rite of our Maronite Liturgy and briefly explain it's meaning
3. What is the Hoosoyo (Prayer of Forgiveness)?
4. Why the use of incense?
5. Explain the Exchange of Peace in the Maronite liturgy?
6. What main point did you gain from the content on the Anaphora?
The Divine Liturgy -- Parts 1 & 2
Reflection Questions:
1. What stood out to you in these two talks?
2. Select a part from the Introductory Rite of our Maronite Liturgy and
briefly explain it's meaning
3. What is the Hoosoyo (Prayer of Forgiveness)?
4. Why the use of incense?
5. Explain the Exchange of Peace in the Maronite liturgy?
6. What main point did you gain from the content on the Anaphora?
Workshop 2 Maronite Liturgical Year -- Parts 1 & 2 with Monsignor Seely Beggiani
Liturgical Year - Part 2
Reflection Questions:
1. What stood out to you in these two talks?
2. What are the themes in the Season of Announcements?
3. Why is Epiphany important in our liturgical year?
4. Why do we teach the Liturgical year?
5. What does Pentecost mean for us?
6. What is celebrated in the Feast of the Renewal of the Church
Maronite Formation Workshops Level II
For those taking these workshops for certification, the reflection questions are below. Please copy and paste into a Word document and email your responses to: maronitereligioused@gmail.com
1. Maronite -- Syriac Spirituality Part 1 by Chorbishop Seely Beggiani
2. Maronite –Syriac Spirituality Part 2 by Chorbishop Seely Beggiani
3. Maronite –Syriac Spirituality Part 3 by Chorbishop Seely Beggiani
Reflection Questions
- 1. In each of the three talks, what was your main take-away?
2. What is the heart of growth (the primary fruit) in our spiritual life? Explain.
3. Monsignor outlines the steps of the spiritual life (from a Syriac view), what are they?
4. In Evagrius' teachings on the capital sins, what stood out to you?