Monday, January 1, 2018

January Blessings

Here are some great ideas from Sister Janet Schaeffler, OP, author of GEMS (Great Endeavors Mined and Shared), a newsletter with great ideas for parishes.

Some invitations to extend to our parishioners:
Invite the families of the parish to reflect on one (or more) of these topics; share their thoughts via the Sunday bulletin, the parish website, etc.:

  • What song reminds you of God?
  • What is your favorite Scripture passage?
  • What book did you read this year which deepened your spirituality, your awareness of God?What is your favorite tradition practiced in your family (prayer, seasonal, celebrations, etc.)?Where did you see God today? 
  • See When God Winks:  Watch the video on this website. It is so uplifting for the new year!

Invite parishioners to pray with photos and paintings.

Encourage – and provide resources for – prayer at home, for individuals, spouses, and families.

Sister Janet recommends some faith formation resources you might want to use in the coming year: