Friday, December 24, 2021

The Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) 

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Gospel Reading
John 1:1-18 (or shorter form, John 1:1-5, 9-14)
John announces that in Jesus, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.

Family Connection

At Christmas we celebrate the great mystery that God became flesh and dwelt among us. We call this mystery the Incarnation (the word means “to take on flesh”), and it changes everything. Today's Gospel reminds us that we can also look upon the Nativity from God's perspective to better appreciate the significance of the Incarnation.

 Read More at Loyola Press

Saturday, December 18, 2021

History of the Ecumenical Councils



The History of the Ecumenical Councils

 Wednesdays, January 12 - 26 & February 9 - 16 @ 8 - 9 PM ET

Join us as Rev. Christiaan Kappes leads us through the breathtaking story of the battle of the Holy Fathers of the Ecumenical Councils to preserve the integrity of the faith against heresy in the decisive first centuries of Church history. 

Friday, December 17, 2021

Christmas Novena Prayers

 Christmas Novena Prayers (click here)

By Living Maronite

 Maronite Christmas Novena, begins on 15 December and is nine consecutive days of prayer. It is a wonderful way of preparing ourselves for the birth of our Lord.

The Novena is designed to be prayed as a Parish community and includes incensing of the Blessed Sacrament, prayers, Syriac hymns and ends with Benediction of the blessed sacrament.

However, we have adapted a version on this podcast for families who can’t make it to a Church to participate at home for 9 days. It follows the inter-eparchial English format below and only requires 15 minutes per day. The text can be found at the link below and of course the podcast can’t include the benediction.Christmas Novena Day 1 | Living Maronite