Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Craft for the Glorious Birth

 Banner Craft for the

Season of the Glorious Birth


This craft will be a good hands-on activity to your lesson on the Season.


Time:  15 minutes if pieces are pre-cut


Materials Needed

cut-outs; glue sticks; construction paper or felt; hole punch; ribbon or yarn pieces for hanging; a dowel if using felt; Christmas stickers to decorate; baby Jesus cut-out for top of tree;                See attachments for cut-outs of the tree and the six Sundays.  



Color in each week if they do good deeds and offer extra prayers.  Give them some challenge to prepare their hearts for the birth of our Savior. It’s like a countdown to Christmas!  

Season of the Glorious Birth - PowerPoint

PowerPoint with icons of each of the six Sundays of the season to assist you in teaching.

Link Here