Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Vocation Curriculum Grades K - 3

Please make use of these materials to teach on vocation at least once in the catechetical year.  You may adapt as you find helpful for your group, you may also combine grades to offer this topic. 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

What is a Priest? a Sister? Marriage?

For the Vocation Curriculum Grades K - 3 

                                         Marriage video

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Craft - Season of the Glorious Birth

 This craft idea will help your children to journey the Announcements leading up the the feast of Christmas. A teaching tool, a decoration, a reminder of what this season is all about. Click on the photo below for the Google Drive list of instructions and step by step guide. If you have an idea or different craft for this season please share it with me. - Mother Marla Marie

LINK to Google Drive