Teach on the Christmas Novena
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Explaining the Immaculate Conception
Explaining the Immaculate Conception to children - December 8thThe feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary is Dec. 8 and is a holy day of obligation. Why are we celebrating? A lot of Catholic kids (and adults) don’t actually know, so here’s a little crash course that you can share with your kids. |
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Thanksgiving Placemat Project
Thanksgiving Placemat Project
Set the atmosphere for a faith-filled Thanksgiving by sending children home with a Thanksgiving prayer placemat. Fun for kids of all ages (even adults!), the center of the placemat includes a child’s prayer of gratitude...see the link
Friday, October 11, 2024
Jubilee of Hope
Up-dated and Stream-line Requirements for Catechist Certification
Franciscan At Home Catechist Training
This on-line Eparchial Certification of Catechists is an easy way to conveniently sharpen your faith knowledge, catechetical teaching skills, and it's free!
We are now in the fourth year of utilizing this excellent program from Franciscan University, and with Bishop Gregory's permission, we are simplifying the requirements:
You may now receive Level One Certification as a catechist after viewing the 12 required one-hour workshops and only answering the last question. Please see our up-dated and stream-lined requirements here -LINK-
Friday, September 27, 2024
Maronite Music Jeopardy
Maronite Music Jeopardy Game
Created by one of our catechists' from the parish in Boston. This fun tool will help your class to learn words of the parts of the sung Liturgy and prayers.
click here - Jeopardy
Thursday, September 5, 2024
Catechetical Sunday Materials - September 15th
Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Ministry:
I hope you are having a very good summer.
Please find attached the 2024 Catechetical Sunday packet. It is sent to you electronically, as has been the norm for the last few years. This should allow you to prepare for Catechetical Sunday which falls on September 15, this year. Print a copy for your parish file. Also print another copy and pass it to your Religious Education Coordinator in order to start preparing for this worthy celebration.
Please check the last paragraph in the Table of Content page. You might find it helpful also if you frequent the 2024 Catechetical Sunday website of the USCCB.
Should you need any assistance regarding the 2024 Catechetical Sunday Celebration or should you have any question regarding the use of the packet please do not hesitate to contact me,
Sincerely yours,
Msgr. Georges El-Khalli, Ph.D., Pastor
Our Lady of the Cedars of Lebanon Maronite Catholic Church
Here is the link to the USCCB resource page for Catechetical Sunday.
Here is a link to our Eparchy Catechetical Sunday Certificate to be presented to the parish catechists, preferably at the Divine Liturgy on September 15th or the day your pastor chooses.
Thursday, April 18, 2024
Introduction to Syriac Spirituality Zoom Sessions
Introduction to Syriac Spirituality
Friday, March 22, 2024
A New Maronite Saint
Good news to share with your catechists and children.
Friday, March 15, 2024
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Letter of Bishop Gregory on the Year of Prayer
5 March 2024
Dear Brother Priests, Deacons and Subdeacons, Consecrated Men and Women, Lay Faithful,
On January 21, 2024, Pope Francis opened the Year of Prayer in anticipation of the Jubilee Year 2025. The Holy Father’s intention is to have us look closely at how we relate to the Church, to the family, and to the world, according to the wisdom of the Second Vatican Council, and then apply this practically to our own life of prayer.
As you know, Pope Saint Paul VI beatified Saint Sharbel at the end of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, along with a missionary priest martyr, Jacques Berthieu, who served in Madagascar, Africa. What an honor for us as Maronites, to have shared in this spotlight, and what a message the Saintly Pontiff gave to the world (and to us!) that prayer, silence, sacrifice, and a missionary spirit are the ways forward to the renewal of the Church, the family, and the world!
In the Apostolic Letter by which Sharbel was declared blessed, we read this:
“We should mention that we recently decreed the same honors (Beatification) for Jacques Berthieu, who won the prize by struggling in the action of life as though in a spiritual combat. Now, a monk, removed from all human association and given over to contemplation of divine things in solitude, is extolled. Both lives are commended by the Church…. Sharbel who represented anew the life, distinguished by the sanctity of the ancient hermits, kept his mind unperturbed…so that from the happiness of his soul would flow the cheerfulness of his countenance.”
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, during this Year of Prayer, let us use this opportunity, in the same spirit that animated Pope Saint Paul VI at the end of the Second Vatican Council when he pointed to Saint Sharbel as a model of prayer and devotion, so that we may keep our “minds unperturbed” and thus from the “happiness of our soul” God will cause to “flow the cheerfulness of our countenance.”
+ Gregory
PS: Please see the link below for some of the offerings of our new Saint Sharbel Spiritual Life Center on prayer and life of the holiness. https://saintsharbelcenter.
Friday, March 1, 2024
>Year of Prayer 2024 - How can we live it? Read More Here
>Weekly Rosary with our Eparchy every Thursday
Join every Thursday at 5:00 PM via Zoom to pray the rosary for all the souls of the faithful departed. Father Vince, pastor of Our Lady of Purgatory, and Bishop Gregory, along with many from our Eparchy participate in this devotion.
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Lenten Scripture Sharing 2024
Guest Presenters:
Feb 22: Healing of the Hemorrhaging Woman – Fr. Rudy Wakim
Thursday, February 8, 2024
Feast of Saint Maron - February 9th
Saint Maron is the spiritual father of the Maronites, and the saint from whom the Maronite Church draws its name. The Maronite rite is one of 23 Eastern Catholic Churches that is in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. Of all the Eastern Churches, the Maronite Church is the only one known by the name of a person—Saint Maron.
The only source we have on Saint Maron’s Life is from his biographer, Theodoret of Cyrrhus, who wrote “Historia Religiosa” in the fifth century (The Religious History, also known as A History of the Monks of Syria). He describes the life of hermits in Cyrrhus and vicinity. In chapter 16 Theodoret mentions that Saint Maron was one of those hermits.The Diocese of Cyrrhus was west of Euphratia in northern Syria. Cyrrhus was at a distance of two days north east of Antioch and about 70 kms north west of Aleppo. [1]
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Vocations Curricula
Vocation Curricula (can be taught at anytime in your catechetical year)
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Icons of the Three Sundays of Commemoration
Ahead of the Season of Great Lent, the Maronite Church celebrates three Sundays of Commemorations.
First, she commemorates all the deceased priests of the Church, as Christ has established the priesthood for his Church and entrusted it with great responsibilities.
Next, she commemorates the Righteous and the Just, which is the Maronite Church’s equivalent to the feast of All Saints in the Latin Church. On this day, the Church calls to mind all the men and women, children of the Church, who have followed the path of justice and righteousness. She remembers the prophets, apostles and martyrs, the hermits, ascetics, men and women religious, as well as all Christians who have led holy lives.
The final commemoration is that of all the faithful Christians who have departed this life in the faith. This feast is the Maronite Church’s equivalent to the feast of All Souls in the Latin Church. (excerpt from the Maronite Synaxarion)
Sunday of the Priests

Sunday of the Righteous and Just

Sunday of the Faithful Departed