Monday, December 5, 2016

December Thoughts

Do you remember the Fire and Spirit filmstrips?  We have tried to update them into PowerPoints that might be useful for your classrooms or for adult workshops.  I am including the first one here:
  Maronite Way to Maron

As we rapidly approach Christmas, we wanted to share two activities with you.  
The first is how to say the rosary, since December 8th is the Immaculate Conception and the 12th is the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  Here is a worksheet that the teacher can use to explain how to say the rosary. The prayers are right there on the sheet. Print them out back to back. The students can dedicate each Hail Mary to someone who needs it by writing their names along side. In this way, they can pray for 50 different loved ones if they wish!
  How To Pray The Rosary

The second activity is a  paper nativity scene created by Good Ground Press.  The students should color the scenes first, then cut them out.  They can glue the pictures to upside-down paper cups so they stand up.  Then they can arrange their nativity!  Even high students love doing this one!
  Nativity Cut-Outs

Here is also a Nativity play that you can adapt for your church community:
  Nativity Narration

Sister Therese Marie sent us the December Going Deeper article:  
  Spiritual Direction