Monday, August 14, 2017

Preparation Time!

August Preparation

It’s almost time for school to start!  This thought always brings on a little anxiety with the excitement each year.  What needs to be done for our religious education program?  What will make it a successful year for teachers and families?
  1. Create a religious education schedule for each semester.  Include special programs, such as extra classes for Reconciliation and First Communion preparation, children’s liturgies, etc.  Publish the schedule in the bulletin and online.
  2. Take a look at last year’s enrollment numbers to see how many classes you can predict.
  3. Consult with the pastor and recruit teachers for those classes.  It is better if the pastor asks them to teach.  You have to clear them with him first anyway!
  4. Require the teachers and substitutes to attend a child abuse prevention class, like VIRTUS, before they begin teaching and ask them to continue their online training if there is any.  A background check may be required as well.
  5. Have several Sundays of registration before Catechetical Sunday.  You may even want to do an online registration form.  
  6. Update all contact information.  Don’t forget to get emergency contact names and numbers and allergy information, especially if you serve any food at all during your program.  Save the information to make registration easier in the future years.
  7. Once you have a good idea of this year’s numbers, order the Faith of the Mountain books for each child.  They come with Activity books.  The books and activity books are inexpensive.  If you have to combine classes, you can decide which level to order.  Please look at the Maronite Faith Formation tab and click on the Pacing guides.  They will tell you the themes in each level.
  8. Set up a Teachers and Substitutes meeting. Give them a brief training session. Show them this blog so they can use some the PowerPoints or activities in their classes. Find mentors for your new teachers so they can continue to receive advice, wisdom, and support.  
  9. Make sure each classroom has enough supplies: a Bible, textbooks and activity books, paper, markers, pencils.  

Some of the parishes in the eparchy are using the new website FORMED to enhance the information they get from the Faith of the Mountain program. This year I will pass on how we use it in our programs.  Do a walk-through of the textbook before you begin the year.  Also do a walk-though the activity book and pick out the best ones for your class.    Don’t forget to look at the suggestions your teacher’s book gives you.  Look for additional online resources from FORMED or other Catholic sites.

You are the face of the Church to your students and their parents.  You have the responsibility of showing them who Jesus is.  Think about what your ideal first day would be like.  What will a successful class look like and feel like?  Make sure you tell your students why you are teaching.  Share with them what you want them to experience.  Learn their names and create a loving culture in the classroom first. Use icebreakers (  Show them how excited you are about your topics.  Share what and why you are teaching with your parents, too.  Write notes and emails to them, especially when students are missing from your classes.  All the activities you do in class should point toward your goal.  Have a wonderful beginning!

Check out the previous three posts for inspirational articles from the USCCB, from the Pope, and for links to catechetical materials to prepare for the start of the new religious formation season.