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Sunday October 1st
7:00PM to 9:00PM via Zoom
More info to come...
What do we mean when we say we are catechists?
To be a catechist is to have joined in the sacred efforts of the Church to live out the beautiful commission of Jesus to “Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” This work of catechesis is more than the passing on of information — it is assisting others into a relationship with Jesus. Catechesis is about encouraging a deep-seated understanding of Christ and conversion of our lives to follow His example. It is to foster a love of Christ.
Our goal as catechists is to model the master teacher – Jesus Christ. We learn to teach as Christ taught in a manner similar to an apprenticeship. An apprentice learns the work of a master so thoroughly that he or she mirrors how that master acts, thinks and talks.
To teach as Jesus teaches requires us to know how He taught. This knowledge can only be built on our own deep relationship with Christ, in which we are striving each day to speak, act and love more like Him. Through teaching as Jesus taught, we then lead others to grow in relationship, and also apprenticeship, with Jesus.